We are closed from December 21 to January 7. We will be fully available again from January 8! We wish you happy holidays and a wonderful 2024!

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Geran Access from Rijssen

Extensive knowledge and years of experience

Geran Access Products BV was founded in 2017 as a sister company of Geran Handel BV. We are a technical wholesaler with full focus on your needs for physical access products and solutions. We are a small-scale business with a personal approach. But we also have a lot of experience and expertise. A winning combination!

Custom work and cooperation

We do more than simply deliver products. Together with our customers, we want to realize a total solution in the field of (temporary) access technology. We deliver custom work, fully adjusted to your specific needs and situation. Geran Access Products BV is your partner when it comes to efficient, safe and reliable access solutions. From factory to final use. Think work preparation, design, transport, assembly and installation.

Working at the coalface

Geran Access Products BV is a growing company. Our goal is to supply the European market with security solutions for crowd management. We regularly visit our factory for optimizing our service and quality.

From factory to final use, simple but effective. With a level-headed mind, no challenge is too big!