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Access control

Access control

Know exactly who is entering your premises where and when. Grant access manually or automatically. Smart visitor registration. And optimal security for your employees, relations, visitors and company assets. Access control is an efficient solution for your security management. What are the possibilities? How do you limit risks with regard to the Liability Chain Act (WKA)? And which access control system integrates best in your organisation? Everything you, as an entrepreneur, need to know about access control.

This is the best way to secure your business premises!

Access control system

We start with the basics: What is access control? Een toegangscontrolesysteem zorgt voor veiligheid, beheersbaarheid en gebruiksgemak in uw pand. provides authorised access to (certain parts of) the building and keeps unwanted visitors out of the building. For streamlined throughput and efficient visitor registration. Three important factors play a role in access control: person, location and risk analysis. Who has access to which locations and what is the level of security? The software grants authorized and controlled access to users. Examples of access control systems are: building site security, barriers, turnstiles and access lanes.

More about access control systems.

Liability Chain Act (WKA)

As an entrepreneur, you have certain obligations in a chain of clients. The Liability Chain Act (WKA) prescribes that every entrepreneur within such a chain is responsible for the wage tax and premiums of the links that follow. An example: client A hires a company that offers access control systems. This entrepreneur, company B, hires a subcontractor to install the system. Company C in turn hires another expert to keep the software up to date. In this way four links have been created. Switch A is liable for the wage tax and premiums of B, C and D. Company B for C and D, and so on. The WKA applies to the outsourcing of work (obligation to achieve results) and to the hiring of personnel (obligation to perform to the best of one’s ability). In some sectors, a contract is specifically requested for WKA. What is a WKA declaration? How do you draw up such a document? What are issues you need to consider? And what are WKA data?

More about the More about the Liability Chain Act..

Site security

Helaas vormen diefstal en vandalisme nog steeds een groot probleem op bouwplaatsen. Gestolen apparatuur en materialen zijn een grote kostenpost binnen de sector. En dat niet alleen, door het ontbreken van de benodigde middelen lopen bouwprojecten vertraging op en ook dit kan behoorlijk in de kosten lopen. Bouwplaatsbeveiliging houdt dag en nacht toezicht op plekken waar dieven graag hun slag slaan. Maar hoe beveilig ik mijn bouwplaats tegen onbevoegden? Dit kan een hele uitdaging zijn, een bouwterrein is immers een dynamische omgeving die voortdurend in ontwikkeling is. Toegangscontrole registreert en faciliteert. Bevoegden worden door het systeem herkend, opgeslagen en krijgen toegang tot het terrein. Onbevoegden kunnen de bouwplaats niet betreden. Dit houdt ongewenste gasten buiten de deur en biedt tevens inzage. Is er iets mis, dan kunt u in de historie precies terugvinden wie op dat moment aanwezig was. Lees hier meer over de veiligheidseisen op de bouwplaats.

Meer over bouwplaatsbeveiliging.

Access control fitness

Access control at gyms is safe and efficient for visitors, staff and property. By placing access lanes at the entrance and at unmanned gymnasiums, access can only be gained on the basis of registration. Gymnasiums often work with membership cards and membership apps to check in and out. The registration software reports exactly who was in your gym and when. This is also a handy tool to identify members who have not been for a while and send them a reminder. Access control at the gym also offers possibilities for personnel registration. Employees can register with the help of a personnel pass, which makes the hours worked simple and quick.

Access control events

Professional access control at events prevents misuse of tickets and ensures a smooth flow of visitors. Nothing is more annoying than logistical chaos at your event. Control is essential to keep everything on the right track. Who visits your festival? Is the barcode of the ticket correct? Is the parking lot secured? Do you allow visitors who are not yet 18 years old to enter? Do they have access to all parts of the site? Can smokers walk in and out? are all questions you need to ask yourself when organising an event. For the security of events mobile turnstiles are often used, in rows next to each other. Access is granted on the basis of a barcode scanner. Automatic barriers are mainly used in car parks.

Meer over toegangscontrole bij evenementen.

Access control building site

Optimal security and a smooth passage for personnel and vehicles are essential on the construction site. Automated access control ensures an efficient work process and guards your site. Who enters the construction site? Is the person in question authorised to drive onto the site? How do you prevent unsafe situations on the construction site? There are various forms of access control that meet safety requirements and a flexible workflow on construction sites. For example, you can use automated barriers, turnstiles or one of the mobile access control solutions.

Access control car park

To prevent your visitors from driving in and out without paying, it is wise to provide a car park with access control. In most car parks, barriers are used. These are designed for motorised traffic: cars, motorcycles and (vans) buses. There are manual barriers which, as the name suggests, are controlled by hand. But you can also opt for automated barriers. This is the most commonly used form, in combination with the well-known parking ticket. If the access control is of a temporary nature, it is best to opt for a mobile solution.

More about More about access control for car parks

Types of access control

We distinguish different types of access control. Depending on the location, the situation and the desired security level, a combination of the following access control types may be desirable.

Mobile access control

Many access control systems are complicated, expensive and permanent. Fortunately, more and more mobile access control options are also appearing on the market. Mobile solutions in the field of access control are ideal for events, but can also offer a solution at construction sites, shipyards or in situations where a building or site temporarily needs (extra) security. These types of access control systems are characterised by being quick and easy to move and can be assembled and dismantled within a short period of time. There are mobile solutions for the access control of persons and/or vehicles. The possibilities range from mobile barriers and mobile half height turnstiles to double turnstiles with walkways. Most of these mobile solutions can be tailored to the location and the desired level of security. This gives you one flexible solution for security of the building or terrain, access control and attendance registration.

Electronic access control

When we talk about electronic access control systems, we are talking about digital networks that control access to a building or part of a building. These are usually electronic systems such as access lanes, half height or full height turnstiles that are connected to an access control panel, which compares the ID carrier (cards, drops or tags) against the authorised persons registered in the database. On this basis, access is either granted or denied. Depending on the components that make up the system, such access control systems can be used not only to allow authorised persons to enter and to repel unauthorised persons, but also to keep track of who has entered. In addition, access to different departments can be individually specified.

Temporary access control

When there is a need for temporary access control, rapid deployment, ease of use and flexibility are essential. You can look for mobile solutions such as a mobile turnstile on a base plate or a turnstile in a container. If there is already a (simple) access system in place, such as a half height turnstiles or a barrier, it may also be sufficient to simply deploy one or more security guards during the period that temporary access control is required. However, automated access control is preferable in case of intensive entry and exit of persons and/or vehicles.

Wireless access control

The unprecedented flexibility of wireless access control systems makes it possible to dynamically address virtually every conceivable problem. For example, you can protect rooms, secure information and register who is present where and when in the building or on the premises. Certainly in comparison with more traditional access control systems, wireless alternatives that make use of bluetooth or wifi, for example, offer many advantages. Particularly in the field of energy consumption and maintenance, costs can be significantly reduced. In addition, laying cables and wires, especially in old buildings, can be a difficult and time-consuming task that also involves additional costs. A wireless system eliminates these costs. Wireless systems also score better and better in the field of security. Think, for example, of cloud-based solutions – these are accessible anytime, anywhere and guarantee the system’s operation, even if one is temporarily offline for whatever reason.

Physical access control

Physical access control is a matter of who, where and when. The system can be used to control who is allowed in, where they are allowed in and where they are allowed out, and when this is possible. Identification takes place by means of biometrics. In other words: on the basis of the physical characteristics of an individual. Examples are fingerprint recognition and iris recognition. But facial recognition, finger and hand vein recognition and speech recognition are also possible. Such a system can of course also be combined with a security portal such as a citadel.
Physical access control with biometric personal recognition is of course more complicated than a simple electronic access control system with cards. But thanks to rapid developments, biometric access control is becoming increasingly easier to apply. Moreover, the risk of fraud, deception and theft with physical access control is considerably lower. This type of advanced access control system is therefore being used more and more frequently. We mainly see it at government agencies, police stations, data centres and other organisations where expensive equipment or sensitive data is stored, or where an increased security protocol applies.

Lees hier welk type toegangspoort het best past bij uw situatie!

Types of access control

There are a large number of different access control solutions. All these solutions have the same purpose: whether or not to grant a certain person access to a certain facility. Which type of access control is most suitable for your location depends on your wishes and circumstances.

Security gates

Security gates are probably familiar to you. You almost always pass them when you leave a shop. These gates work with a radio frequency (RF) or acoustomagnetic (AM) detection. The tags or labels that are still attached to the products and that end up in the detection field of the gates, cause the alarm to go off. For example, you can opt for this electronic item security when you sell items that are prone to theft in a shop.

There are also detection gates that can detect people or materials, such as explosives or nuclear products. Identification is done by means of radio waves. The gates can also be used for facial recognition, iris recognition or a fingerprint.

Full height turnstile door

A revolving door is a revolving door, also called a revolving door. It used to be made of wood and had to be operated by hand. In the meantime the turnstile has been developed into an advanced and intelligent revolving door and there are models available that rotate automatically. High and semi-high versions are available. There are also mobile variants on a steel base.


Barriers are ideal when you want to (temporarily) close your location to vehicles. For example, your (temporary) car park, a residential area or an industrial and shopping area. There are two different versions of barriers available: the manual and the automatic version. Both can be mounted on the left or right. The barrier arm has a range of 2.5 to 6 metres.


A speedgate is also called a ‘speed folding gate’. This fence has been given this name because it can be opened and closed very quickly by means of an electromechanical drive. The gate consists of several panels, which unfold to two sides. This is the ideal solution if a gate is not secured enough, but a sliding gate is too slow. This type of gate is suitable for apartment buildings or parking garages, among other things.

Half height turnstiles

A Half-height turnstile is a low cross, as we often see for example in gyms, amusement parks, stadiums or swimming pools. By placing a card reader, only people with a valid card can pass through the gate. The advantages of the Half-height turnstile are its smooth and silent operation and the various application possibilities. addition, the system is low-maintenance and mobile solutions are available for this as well.

Access control door

Finally, there are possibilities to provide your doors with an access control system. The doors contain a card reader that can be opened with a card. Nowadays there are also systems that you can open with your mobile phone. And you can even do that remotely! The software has also become a lot more user-friendly, so installing and operating it no longer has to be a problem.