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Catrax Plus tripod – stainless steel – 500 mm passage – drop arm

Article number (SKU): Catrax Plus

The Catrax Plus tripod turnstile is a good solution for a situation where space is limited. This stylish tripod is easy to install and available from stock.

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[wpdm_package id="139175"][wpdm_package id="139694"][wpdm_package id="140637"]

*stock-keeping product, ask for current stock


The Catrax Plus is a good solution for a situation where space is limited.

The Catrax Plus is a reliable and safe turnstile. This turnstile, for example, has a drop arm system. By means of a special anti-panic mechanism that can be activated in emergency situations, one of the arms of the turnstile “drops”, so that there is a free passage.

Together with our partners who supply the software, we provide the complete end product. There’s just one contactperson. We are happy to provide you an offer that suits your situation completely.

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Product specifications

Dimensions 1003 mm


Depth (mm)


Width (mm)


Height (mm)


Weight (kg)


Type of material

Stainless steel


21-23 p.m

Weather resistance

Only inside use

In stock



Catrax Plus – Brochure (GB) (255 KB)
Catrax Plus – Product manual (GB) (4 MB)

Product video

Over 30 years of experience
Large stock
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