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Optimise your access system with gates of the future

Discover the power of our access gates

Times are changing. Educational institutions, gyms and distribution centres are already accessible almost 24/7. In short, traditional business opening hours are increasingly being extended, resulting in flexible working hours. Ideal for the employee and customer, but at the same time, this requires innovative solutions in the field of access control and security. After all, how do you ensure that only authorised people can access certain parts of a building or site?

Fortunately, there is a suitable solution for your situation too!

The options are many and range from turnstiles to high-tech access lanes. Common feature of these access techniques is that they can automate the surveillance process. In times of staff shortages, this is an added advantage. The level of security varies from lock to lock. For example, a turnstile offers a high level of security to seal off areas with valuable information or goods. This turnstile can close off a room completely and, using the rotating mechanism, provide access to one person at a time.

optimaliseer je toegangssysteem met poorten van de toekomst

Optimise your access system with gates of the future Customised security

For a more friendly look, various access lanes are available. For example, our dFlow access lane is open by default; the doors only close when an unauthorised person will try to pass the lock. This ‘open’ access lane has a high flow rate in addition to its a friendly appearance. This means that many people can pass through the security gate in the and short time. This is often desirable in office centres, schools or healthcare facilities. The gate incorporates advanced AI techniques, which recognises tailgating and piggybacking and refuses them.

All in all, firstly, the right gate can play an important role in reducing the need for security personnel. More importantly, the right security technology can register personnel and visitors and grant or deny access in the way you want. Wondering how we can help you? Request information without obligation.