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Prevent nuisance with our mobile access gate

Prevent nuisance on your construction site with our mobile access gate

A large construction site was struggling with a typically Dutch problem, nuisance bicycles. These bicycles were unwanted parked on the site where they were obstructing the work. In many places in the Netherlands, this is a recognisable problem. Not only construction sites, but also other public parks and recreational areas, for example, suffer from these problems. 

Fortunately, we have the solution!

The security company of the aforementioned construction site found a quick solution with us. We delivered two mobile turnstiles  the very next day. Over 10 mobile turnstiles, assembled and ready to be transported to the customer, are at our premises on the lake. These mobile turnstiles are mounted on a base plate, making them easy to transport in their entirety to the desired location. This customer opted for two mobile turnstiles side by side, but we also offer a double mobile turnstile. Optionally, a rotating point comb  can be fitted to provide overclimb protection.

While our mobile turnstiles are an excellent solution for preventing nuisance in public or enclosed areas, we offer even more mobile solutions. For example, turnstiles can be supplied in a 10 ft container  or 20 ft container,  which can make your security even more lout-proof. We also offer mobile barriers  or mobile half heigth turnstiles, among other things A solution for every security or access control need!

Do you need access control for your shipyard, car park, solar park, festival or other site? Perhaps we can deliver to you tomorrow! Request information without obligation.

voorkom overlast met de mobiele draaideur - Geran Access Products B.V.