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Catrax Clip turnstile- stainless steel- 800 mm passage – curved arm

Article number (SKU): Catrax Clip

The Catrax Clip is an access gate, which has an extra wide passageway. This makes this entrance gate very suitable for wheelchair users or strollers.

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The Catrax Clip is an access gate with extra-wide passage, suitable for wheelchair users or strollers, among others. The gateway is easy to pass through because it swings smoothly both ways. After the gate is released, it can be opened manually. The sleek design with rounded corners gives the access lane a sleek, aesthetic appearance. Also, no screws are visible on the outside This access control system can be very well applied at airports, public transport, swimming pools and (sports) schools.

Together with our partners who supply the software, we provide the complete end product. There’s just one contactperson. We are happy to provide you an offer that suits your situation completely.

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Product specifications

Dimensions 1119 × 1003 mm


Depth (mm)


Width (mm)


Height (mm)


Weight (kg)


Type of material

Stainless steel


6 persons p.m

Weather resistance

Only inside use

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Catrax Clip – Brochure (GB) (217 KB)
Catrax Clip – Product manual (GB) (1 MB)
Catrax Clip – Dimensions (GB) (261 KB)

Product video

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